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Dec 20, 2024
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Michigan Imam Abdel-Halim Shout: Christians Are Rogue Liars, Allah's Wrath Is Upon Them; 'How Can A Muslim... Intermingle With These Kuffar [Unbelievers]?'; Do Not Fall For The Interfaith Nonsense

#11817 | 01:30
Source: Online Platforms - "DAIC Westland on YouTube"

In his December 20, 2024 Friday sermon at Dar Al Salam Islamic Center in Westland, Michigan, Imam Abdel-Halim Shaout said that the Christians are "rogue liars" who celebrate a "pagan holiday," claiming that Allah has a wife and a child. He asked how a Muslim can intermingle with these infidels who make such claims. Shaout, referenced the Fatiha chapter of the Quran, "Allah's wrath is upon them."

He warned the congregants against falling for "interfaith nonsense," and people who deliver sermons in mosques, claiming that Jews and Christians are not infidels, and that Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all brothers in humanity.

Abdel-Halim Shaout: "We see that the Christians celebrate the so-called birth of Issa [Jesus], peace be upon him, which is a Pagan holiday.


"These rogue liars make claims against Allah, that are mind-blowing. So much so that it's hard to turn away from. The beginning of every Gregorian year, they make the celebration, claiming that Allah, the praised and exalted, has a wife and a child.


"How can a Muslim, after this, celebrate, congratulate, intermingle with these kuffar [unbelievers] claiming that Allah has a wife and has a child? Allah's, the praised and exalted, wrath is upon them, he says. [He] claims, indeed you have brought forth a terrible evil thing.


"And do not fall for the interfaith nonsense. These people give khutab [sermons], then come to the masjid [mosque], claiming that the Yahud [Jews] are not kuffar. The Nasara [Christians] are not kuffar. No one is kuffar. We're all sons of Adam, we just worship Allah differently, 'brothers in humanity.' Don't fall for this. This is the new thing that is going on today."

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