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Sep 13, 2024
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Imam John Ederer in Charlotte, NC Friday Sermon: I Fear Muslim Children Believe What They’re Told in Class about 9/11; Netanyahu Admitted Israel Benefited from 9/11; Muslims Have Suffered a “Full-Blown Holocaust” as a Result; the U.S. Is a Terrorist State

#11417 | 02:38
Source: Online Platforms - "MCC Charlotte Media on YouTube"

During his September 13, 2024 Friday sermon at the Muslim Community Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, Imam John Ederer said that he fears Muslim children believe what they are told in class about 9/11. He said: “They are being told in class that Islam and Muslims were the cause of this terrorist act.” Ederer stated that “Islam and Muslims had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11,” because “Islam is completely opposed to someone killing a bunch of civilians who went to work.” He added that you cannot make a Muslim guilty for 9/11, and he claimed that the Muslims were the biggest victims of 9/11. Ederer accused the United States of being a “terrorist state.” The sermon was streamed live on MCC Charlotte Media on YouTube.

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