Iranian analyst Mohammad Sadeq Al-Hosseini said that the Jews "were sent to us under the title of the Holocaust" and that "they established the Jewish state in agreement with Hitler," but that now they were "preparing themselves" to move to Germany. "They have bought 800,000 apartments in Berlin, and 20,000 apartments in Hamburg, Hanover, and all the major Germany cities, and the Israeli State Archives are now in Germany," he said, adding that the Israelis all have dual citizenship, "so they face a difficult dilemma." Al-Hosseini, who was interviewed by Al-Manar TV, recounted a "secret" told by Yasser Arafat: that Ehud Barak had told him that Ariel Sharon had told him that "there is not a single Zionist left in [the Israeli] army." The interview aired on February 12.
Mohammad Sadeq Al-Hosseini: "[The Israelis] are preparing themselves to move to Germany. The Israelis have bought 800,000 apartments in Berlin. The Jewish Agency..."
Interviewer: "Why Germany of all places?"
Mohammad Sadeq Al-Hosseini: "They are there. That's their plan. This is why Ahmadinejad, God bless him, suggested that they move to Germany. They were sent there. They established the Jewish state in agreement with Hitler. The Jews were sent to us under the title of the Holocaust. They have bought 800,000 apartments in Berlin, and 20,000 apartments in Hamburg, Hanover, and all the major German cities, and the Israeli State Archives are now in Germany. When Sayyid [Nasrallah] advised them to flee soon, before it is too late, he had this information in hand. He knew that the Israelis think about... Every Israeli has two passports – an Israeli passport, and another Canadian, American, German, or Russian passport. A passport of his original nationality... So today, they face a very difficult dilemma – should they sail back to their countries of origin..."
Interviewer: "They are in a difficult situation..."
Mohammad Sadeq Al-Hosseini: "Yes.
"Let me tell you a secret I heard from Yasser Arafat. He told me that one day he was sitting with [Ehud] Barak in his home, with [Ariel] Sharon sitting next to him. Sharon and Barak were chatting between themselves, and then Barak translated it to Arafat. Barak said: 'Do you know what Sharon has just told me?' He said: 'What?' Let me remind you that this was in Barak's own home. Barak said: 'He told me that there is not a single Zionist left in our army.' The Zionist ideology is dead in the Israeli army. It consists of officers and soldiers who are bought and sold in the control centers."