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Jun 26, 2014
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Iraqi Women Volunteer to Fight ISIS

#4327 | 03:39
Source: Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq)

A group of women wearing Islamic garb and carrying firearms talks to an Al-Iraqiya TV reporter about their desire to join the frontline and fight ISIS. One of the women tells the reporter that two of her children have been martyred and that she will send her remaining two sons to the frontline. The women dance and chant: "We stand in the vanguard, not at the rear." The report aired on June 26, 2014.


Following are excerpts:



Reporter: Dear viewers, Allah's blessings upon you. We welcome you for another episode of your show, "We Respond to Your Call, oh Iraq." Today, our good Iraqi sisters have taken up arms against ISIS. Here, you can see our sisters, may Allah protect them.






Dear viewers, they come from all sects of the Iraqi people. We have here Christians, Sunnis, Shiites, and Sabians. All our sisters are determined to fight the terrorists.



Hello, are you Christian?



Woman: Yes, I am.



Reporter: What do you want to say to our brothers, the mujahideen, fighting ISIS?



Woman: We should protect the country. We should drive ISIS out.






Second woman: We have come from the city of Sha'r to support the Iraqi army. We pray for their victory over ISIS. They deserve to have us fighting by their side.






Third woman: We are with them, and we will wage Jihad to the death. We shall sacrifice our lives, our property, and our children. Allah willing, we will not leave even a trace of ISIS. We will trample it underfoot. Allah willing. Victory to Iraq. We respond to your call, oh Iraq!



Reporter: We respond to your call, oh Iraq!



Women: We respond to your call, oh Iraq!



Reporter: We respond to your call, oh Iraq!



Women: We respond to your call, oh Iraq!



Fourth woman: We shall fight them to the death. We shall give them a good beating.






Fifth woman: I'm waging the Jihad. My children and I are ready to sacrifice ourselves for Iraq. You will find me wherever the fighting is.



Reporter: This kind of talk brings tears to my eyes. It makes one cry, but at the same time, it makes one determined to serve all the mujahideen on the frontline.






Sixth woman: Two of my children were martyred. Their father was martyred as well. I have two boys left, and I will send both to the frontline. We stand in the vanguard, not at the rear.



Reporter: We stand in the vanguard, not at the rear.



Women: We stand in the vanguard, not at the rear.



Reporter: We stand in the vanguard, not at the rear. Our Iraqi sisters stand in the vanguard.






We will meet again on your show, "We Respond to Your Call, oh Iraq."



We respond to your call, oh Iraq."



Women: We respond to your call, oh Iraq."



Reporter: We respond to your call, oh Iraq."



Women: We respond to your call, oh Iraq."





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