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Oct 24, 2023
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Islamic Scholar Sheikh Dr. Kia Jahed at George Mason University: Israel Would Have You Believe Six Million Jews Were Killed in the Holocaust, This Arouses Sympathy for It; It’s Ironic that the People Who Survive the Holocaust Immediately Perpetrated Something Ten Times Worse Against the Palestinians

#11443 | 01:39
Source: Online Platforms - "GMU MSA on YouTube"

Islamic scholar and radiologist Sheikh Dr. Kia Jahed said at an address he delivered at George Mason University that since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, six million Palestinians have been displaced, and he said that that these numbers are similar to the number of Jews that people are “taught” were killed in the Nazi Holocaust. He explained that there is a lot of debate about how many Jews were actually killed in the Holocaust – with possible estimates being 3 million, one million, or maybe 600,000 – and that the figure of six million is commonly referred to because “Israel would have you believe” that that many Jews were killed because this creates the most sympathy for its cause. He also said that it is very “ironic” that the survivors of the Nazi Holocaust immediately afterwards perpetrated a holocaust that is “ten times worse” against the Palestinians, and the world just looked on. The address was posted on the GMU MSA YouTube channel on September 17, 2024, although it was originally delivered in October 24, 2023.

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