In a video-clip posted on his YouTube account, Jamaican Sheikh Abdullah Al-Faisal accused "infidels" of putting cancer in fake "zamzam" (water drawn from a sacred well in Mecca), which was then bottled and sold to Muslims. "Many many Muslims die from cancer from drinking fake zamzam," said the pro-ISIS Al-Faisal, whose original name was Trevor William Forrest and who spent four years in a U.K. prison for murder and inciting hatred before being deported. "Every infidel is a liar and a hypocrite," he said.
Following are excerpts
Abdullah Al-Faisal: "Every infidel is a liar and a hypocrite, and every hypocrite is an infidel. Every infidel is a hypocrite, and every hypocrite is an infidel. A liar and a hypocrite."
"The infidels, they put Zamzam in bottle and sell [them] to Muslims, and it is fake Zamzam -not real. They put cancer in the water and many Muslims die from cancer. Something you did not know. Fake Zamzam. And they put cancer in it. And people buy it and drink it and many many Muslims die from cancer by drinking fake Zamzam. So when you buy from the infidels your fake Zamzam, you are going to die from cancer. Many people, many Muslims die from cancer by drinking fake Zamzam water."