Jamal Muhaisen, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, said in a March 23 interview with Palestine TV that the U.S. remains the main enemy of the Palestinian people and of the Arab and Islamic nations because of its support of Israel. Muhaisen added that just as the Palestinians are under Israeli occupation, the American people are under Jewish-Zionist occupation. He criticized the Arabs for dealing with “marginal” conflicts instead of focusing on the conflict with Israel.
Following are excerpts
Jamal Mohaisen: When it is said that the Palestinian people is the last people on Earth to be occupied, I say that the American people is under occupation as well. While we are under Israeli occupation, the American people in the U.S. are under Jewish-Zionist occupation. When the US presidential candidates meet with AIPAC, they are not meeting them as American citizens, but as representatives of the state of Israel.
In my view, the Arab regimes understand that the U.S. is not innocent when it comes to what is happening in the Arab region. Bernard Lewis, advisor to former US President Bush, published a report dealing with the division of the Arab world into 57 states. In her book, Hillary Clinton mentioned that the [Americans] had created ISIS. The goal had been to tear the Arab world apart. It was torn apart by the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, and today, they want to partition what has already been partitioned. In the past, they partitioned the region in order to help establish Israel, and now they are doing it so that Israel will control the region. The Arabs do not understand that their main battle is with Israel, which is implementing a certain plan in the region, and this has been agreed upon in advance with the U.S. They insist on dragging us into all kinds of other, marginal conflicts. I'm sad to say that I blame all the parties in the region that have deviated from the Arab-Israeli conflict and are focusing on others. The U.S. certainly plays a role in this. It is always making the Arab regimes pay a price. Today, some of the Arab regimes are concerned that the U.S., which has created terrorists in one place or another, will do the same in the Arab countries that have remained relatively stable. I reiterate: The number one enemy of the Palestinian people, and of the Arab and Islamic nation, remains the U.S., because it is the main supporter of Israel, and poses a threat not just to the Palestinian people, but to the entire Arab region.