Announcer 1: "More than 800 years of history and archeology went up in flames."
Announcer 2: "For hours flames engulfed this iconic landmark destroying an 800-year-old building that had survived two world wars."
Announcer 3: "It is a great disaster, in every sense of the word. The flames devoured the roof of the Notre Dame cathedral, which dates back to the Middle Ages."
Announcer 4: "An 850-year-old masterpiece of gothic architecture, France's president said, 'a part of us,' is burning.
"400 firefighters battled but at times appeared dwarfed by the fire."
On-screen text: "But it was not the first church burned in Europe!"
Announcer 5: "A fire broke on the roof of the Santa Maria Syrian Orthodox Church in the Swedish town of Norrkoping, after midnight.
"[Local police] suspect that the fire was intentionally started and began to investigate because it seems that the fire has started on the outside and there is no natural explanation for it."
Fighter 1: "[We will continue fighting you] until we fill your streets with terror and until we enter Rome as conquerors, sounding the call for prayer, performing the prayers and breaking your crosses."
On-screen text: "Notre Dame is not the last!"
Fighter 2: "This is a message directed to those Muslims still in France. You see today the result of the bombardment by the Coalition, which is led by America, Britain, and France. These strikes kill women, men, children, the old, and the sick without discrimination. They closed the door of hijrah [migration] on you, so open the door of jihad on them. Some brothers have preceded you by conducting operations. Today, you are able to work because victory is near. Allah orders us to fight those kuffar nearest to us, and to fight them as they fight us. My final advice for my beloved brothers is that they periodically renew their intentions, that they supplicate Allah often, and that they abandon this worldly life. And do not forget that whoever fights to make Allah's word supreme only does so because Allah chose him."
On-screen text: "You will see the surprise soon!"