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Sep 20, 2024
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Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa: We No Longer Maintain Security Coordination With Israel; Hamas, Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Are Patriotic Factions; All Palestinians Are Our Children

#11438 | 01:51
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa said in a September 25, 2024 interview on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) that the PA no longer maintains security coordination with Israel and that Hamas’s claims that the PA arrests its fighters in the West Bank on Israel’s behalf are false. He explained that Israel has no problem finding wanted individuals without the help of the PA and its security agencies, and that "they just go in and do it." He said he has "no idea" why Hamas has made these claims, and that in the PA’s eyes, all the Palestinian factions are "patriotic" groups that should speak in one voice for the interest of the Palestinian people.

Interviewer: "Does the Palestinian Authority still maintain the security coordination with the Israeli occupation?"

Mohammad Mustafa: "In short, the answer is no."

Interviewer: "Is it true, like Hamas claims, that the Palestinian Authority arrests the resistance fighters in Ramallah and the West Bank, on behalf of the Israeli occupation?"

Mustafa: "The answer is no, for a simple reason. Obviously, there are many reasons, but as you can see, the Israelis are inside the [Palestinian] cities. If Israel wants to find someone, it has no problem doing so. Israel has already arrested many men. They do not need the Palestinian Authority and its security agencies, in order to do this, I am sad to say. They just go in and do it. Therefore, this kind of talk is unhelpful."

Interviewer: "So why did Hamas say this in its latest statements?"

Mustafa: "No idea."

Interviewer: "Why does Hamas say this about the Palestinian Authority?"

Mustafa: "If only you could call and ask them, and let me know what they say... As far as we are concerned, all Palestinians are our children. Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, Fatah are all patriotic factions and we want them to speak in one voice for the interest of the Palestinian people."

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