The following are Iraqi constitution referendum broadcasts that were aired on Al-Arabiya TV on October 9, 2005:
Announcer: On October 15, we will vote on the constitution. Let us vote for a beautiful tomorrow, not for the dismal past. Because we are strong, not because we are compassionate. For our hopes, not for our fears. For stability, we must not run away. Our decision should be for Iraq, and Iraq alone.
Voter #1: I vote for what unites us.
Voter #2: I vote for life.
Voter #3: I vote for Iraq, and Iraq alone.
[Screentitle]: On October 15, it is we who decide for Iraq. Iraq has no one else.
[Placards in mass march]: Democracy. Peaceful life. Freedom of Belief. Equality. Democratic Civil Constitution. Freedom of Speech. Women's Rights. Unity.
[Camera pans out and shows that all of the placards together spell out]: The Constitution
[Screentitle]: The decision is in our hands. Take part in the national referendum on the new Iraqi constitution on October 15, 2005. The constitution - in it lie our unity and hope. Iraq - one homeland, a promising future.