Imam Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood (MIB) in Harlem, NY, said in a July 5, 2019 Friday sermon that Allah had spoken on the previous day, which was the Fourth of July, by way of the earthquake in California and the lightning in Washington, D.C. prior to the military parade. Imam 'Abdur-Rashid said that Allah's "words" were warnings and that He could have instead "rained death and destruction" on California and struck the crowd or the tanks at the parade with lightning. Imam 'Abdur-Rashid suggested that Allah had mercy on California because of CA Governor Gavin Newsom's June 18 apology for the Native American genocide in California, and he said that the lightning before the parade had similarly been a sign of Allah's wrath so that people might take heed and correct their ways. Addressing people who wonder what is wrong with minorities who do not celebrate the Fourth of July, Imam 'Abdur-Rashid said that he has yet to see Native Americans celebrating the genocide that was carried out against them, Palestinians celebrating the establishment of the State of Israel, or Japanese people celebrating the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 'Abdur-Rashid added: "Yet we are here in a land where the equivalent of those things occurred, and we look at the day with less than a sober mind." Imam 'Abdur-Rashid is a prominent NY imam who also serves as the Vice President of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA). Born in 1959, he has been the imam of MIB Harlem since 1989. 'Abdur-Rashid has previously served as the President Emeritus of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York. The video was uploaded to MIB Harlem's YouTube channel. Imam 'Abdul-Rashid's Facebook page says that MIB Harlem is the "lineal descendant" of Muslim Mosque Inc., which was founded by Malcolm X.
Imam Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid: "Yesterday, there were speeches, however Allah almighty god spoke as well.
"Allah spoke in an earthquake in California.
"That earthquake – the strongest in California in 20 years – could have caused many people to lose their lives.
"Allah spoke, however his word seemed to be more of a warning than an indictment.
"Perhaps he was listening two weeks ago, the day before yesterday, when the governor of the state of California apologized openly and publicly in a press release from his office for the genocide committed one hundred and seventy years ago against Native Americans in California.
"Seems to me that the god of justice might have rained death and destruction upon California yesterday as a divinely ordained or issued indictment. Yet instead he chose to warn.
"Yesterday, at the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the American armed forces – the president of this country – ordered a military parade of pomp and circumstance. Yet hours before the parade began, the National Mall – which is that huge park right across the street from the White House – was clear of people because of reports of nearby lightning strikes.
"Lightning could have struck the crowds during the parade, or the tanks during the parade, and there would have been nothing that anyone could have done to stop it – but it didn't.
"Just a little warning, just a little tremor, just a little lightning strike before the public event.
"That perhaps maybe, maybe, they'll recognize the signs of Allah's mercy and the signs of Allah's wrath, and say 'oh we got spared this time.' Maybe we need to straighten up.
"They might look at us, those of us who are Muslim, and those of us who are of some other faith tradition, but who all got here the same way. They look at us and they say 'what's wrong with them?' The fourth of July, man! How come I see a lot of them celebrating but how come there are those who don't celebrate?
"I've yet to see Native Americans celebrating the genocide that was committed against them. I've yet to see Palestinians celebrating the takeover of their land and the establishment of the State of Israel back in 1948. I've yet to see Japanese or descendants of Japanese during the Second World War celebrating on the day when the atomic bomb which dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yet, here we are, in a land where the equivalent of those things occurred, and we look at the day with less than a sober mind."