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Oct 09, 2024
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Protesters In Chicago: All Chicago Is Hamas! The Entire Country Is With Hamas!

#11477 | 01:03
Source: Online Platforms - "Israa Alfass on X"

In a video that was posted by Israa Alfass on X on October 9, 2024, Arab speaking protesters, many of whom had their faces covered with balaclavas and were sporting Hamas headbands, chanted: "They said that Hamas are terrorists, all Chicago is Hamas! […] The entire country is with Hamas!"

Chant Leader: "They said that Hamas are terrorists..."

Crowd: "They said that Hamas are terrorists..."

Chant Leader: "...all Chicago is Hamas!"

Crowd: "...all Chicago is Hamas!"

Chant Leader: "They said that Gaza would get down on its knees!"

Crowd: "They said that Gaza would get down on its knees!"

Chant Leader: "What did they say? They said that Gaza would get down on its knees..."

Crowd: "They said that Gaza would get down on its knees..."

Chant Leader: "...and they would give it to [Mahmoud] Abbas!"

Crowd: "...and they would give it to [Mahmoud] Abbas!"

Chant Leader: "Shame on the criminal and the one who normalized relations [with Israel]!"

Crowd: "Shame on the criminal and the one who normalized relations [with Israel]!"

Chant Leader: "Shame on the criminal and the one who normalized relations [with Israel]!"

Crowd: "Shame on the criminal and the one who normalized relations [with Israel]!"

Chant Leader: "The entire country is with Hamas!"

Crowd: "The entire country is with Hamas!"

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