Following are excerpts from an interview with Saudi cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on November 9, 2011:
Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan: I have taught more than 80 courses in Islamic faith, jurisprudence, and shari'a, as well as on how to deal with non-Muslims, and so on. I taught these courses in almost all the US states. I was received with great hospitality and openness.
As you know, in Western countries, you don't need permission to hold a lecture, or to give an Islamic religious or ideological class or course. You can do that any time and any place. Furthermore, almost all the courses I taught were advertised on the local TV channels and press in each state.
For this, the US should be credited and commended. In my view, this is one of the main reasons for the development and progress of the US. This freedom, the facilitation of creativity, and their respect for all the minorities in that country, without discrimination, are the reason for the success of those people.