In a TV interview, Saudi cleric Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid said: "Treachery courses through the veins [of the Jews] like blood." He further said that the Jews were arrogant people, who had implemented the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Following are excerpts from the interview, which aired on the Saudi Al-Majd TV channel on November 27, 2015.
TV host Majed Ababutin: The Jews are today's plague, a malignant disease. Their history is black, and their stories are stained with bloodshed.
Muhammad Al-Munajid: The Jews are at the top of the list of enemies. The Jews of today are the same as the Jews of yesterday. This does not require any proof. Allah has shown us their traits, and the Prophet Muhammad has told us that our battle with them will continue until the end of time, when they will be led by the Antichrist.
Treachery courses through the veins [of the Jews] like blood.
Majed Ababutin: Does hatred of the Jews constitute a form of worship in and of itself?
Muhammad Al-Munajid: The question is: Do they hate us? This is a nation that believes that anyone not of their religion is an impure pig. This appears word for word in their false Torah. The Jews have the right to rape non-Jewish women. It appears in their scriptures. They are arrogant people. They say: "We are the beloved sons of God."
I don't have anything personal against the Jews. Not at all. Our hatred of them stems from their having cursed Allah. They are polytheists. In their Talmud, they say that the rabbis are the masters of God, and that He must do as they say.
Majed Ababutin: That's peculiar.
Muhammad Al-Munajid: They say that for three hours each morning, Allah plays with the king of the fish.
Majed Ababutin: Many Muslims were put to the test by having to live alongside the Jews, in the West or even in Palestine. To what extent is there coexistence with the Jews? What are the shari'a rulings regarding coexistence with the Jews?
Muhammad Al-Munajid: First of all, we call them to join the belief in Allah. We call every infidel, no matter how much we despise him, to Allah. We would like him to follow the true guidance. Secondly, if there had been dhimma relations between us, and they paid the jizya poll tax and lived under the protection of the Muslims, it would have been impermissible for us to do them an injustice or harm them.
The Jews were ostracized. In the Ukraine and some other countries, when they saw what the [Jews] had done, they took them and threw them over the border. They were ostracized. But now that the Islamic caliphate has grown weaker and disintegrated, the Basel Congress was convened, and they implemented the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion], and the Crusaders collaborated with them following Balfour… Their state was established, and we became victims.