May 2, 2004 Saudi 1 TV
In reaction to the May 1, 2004 terrorist shooting in the offices of an oil contractor in Yunbu', Saudi Arabia, in which seven, among them two Americans, were killed, Saudi Crown Prince Abdallah ibn Abd Al-'Aziz stated that "the Zionists" were to blame. The statement was made at a gathering of Saudi dignitaries, including top Muslim clerics and preachers. Following is a verbatim translation of excerpts from Crown Prince Abdallah's comments, as they were broadcast by Channel 1 of Saudi TV:
Crown Prince Abdallah: This is seduction. You all know who is behind it all. Zionism is behind it. It has become clear now. It has become clear to us. I don't say, I meanA… It is not 100 percent, but 95 percent that the Zionist hands are behind what happened.
Unfortunately, they have seduced some of our sons. What can we possibly do, they are our sons. They have been seduced and they fell for it. But we say that Allah's will is everything. Allah's will is everything. But what we and you must do is to be patient, reflect, and act, because now even silenceA… Even one who keeps silent will be accused of being one of them. Even one who keeps silent.
In the past, we have said that perhaps foreigners seduced them and so on. But we are speaking of your sons who killed their brothers, killed those who protect you. The General Security apparatus protects you, your families, your children, and your sons. They got their boldness from Satan. They are Satan's helpers. They are the hangers-on of Satan and of imperialism...
But I tell you that you can be one hundred percent sure that, Allah willing, this country will be victorious, whoever the faction that turns against it may be. But we are convinced that Zionism is behind everything. This has been established I am not saying by 100 percent, but by 95 percent.