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Aug 01, 2024
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Senior Hamas Official Khalil Al-Hayya At Haniyeh's Funeral In Tehran: The Zionist Entity Is The Source Of Evil, Injustice, Instability – The World Must Uproot This Cancer

#11295 | 01:44
Source: Online Platforms - "khamenei.ir"

Khalil Al-Hayya, a member of Hamas political bureau spoke at the Tehran funeral of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on August 1, 2024. He said that the "Zionist entity" is the source of evil, injustice, and instability and that the world must unite to "uproot this cancer." Al-Hayya vowed to "go after" Israel until it is uprooted from the land of Palestine and from Jerusalem. The funeral was posted on Khameni.ir.

Khalil Al-Hayya: "Today, with its new crime, the Zionist enemy has shown the world once again that the Zionist entity is a source of evil, injustice, and instability. The world in its entirety must unite in order to uproot this cancer from the heart of the Islamic nation and the heart of the world.


"We say to our Islamic nation, the world, and all the free people: The slogan that Ismail used to chant – 'We will never recognize Israel' – will live inside us for eternity. 'We will never recognize Israel' will not only remain our slogan and undertaking – we will use it to haunt Israel until we uproot it from the land of Palestine and the land of Jerusalem, Allah willing.

"We pledge to our Islamic nation and to the martyrs that we will remain on the path of our Islam and of our resistance, and that we will continue with our resistance against the Zionist occupation, in order to do away with it, to enable our Palestinian people to return to their land, to establish our Palestinian state on the land of Palestine, and to complete our self-determination on our Palestinian land in its entirety."

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