While attending the Russian military parade marking the 71st anniversary of the World War II victory, former vice-chairman of the Duma and head of the LDPR party Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the Russian army was the best in the world. He added that the Americans "don't know how to fight" and that the British "never participated in a war." When Zhirinovsky was asked by reporters what he thought about the cancellation of the military parades in post-Soviet republics like Kazakhstan and Belarus, he compared their conduct to that of whores seeking privileges from the West. The video was posted by LifeNews Internet TV on May 9, 2016.
Following are excertps
Vladimir Zhirinovsky: This is the best army in the world. No one has an army like that. The Americans do not know how to fight. They'd better pay someone else to do that. Britain has never participated in a war. The Germans were defeated twice.
Interviewer: What do you think about other countries, such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, who have cancelled their military parades?
Vladimir Zhirinovsky: It's bad. Those countries, which have cancelled [the parades], will restore them. They will restore all the [Soviet] holidays. This is a temporal delusion. They are doing this in order to get rewarded by the West -perhaps to get more privileges. Everything is for sale, like whores...