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Jun 30, 2008
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Shiite Iraqi Channel Uses Subliminal Messages in Accusing the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps of Sponsoring Terrorism in Iraq

#1803 | 01:21
Source: Al-Furat TV (Iraq)

Following is a filler presented on June 30, 2008 by an Iraqi TV channel, Al-Furat, which is affiliated with Abd Al-Aziz Al-Hakim's Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council. MEMRI has inserted visual and sound effects in order to highlight the subliminal visual messages incorporated in the footage by Al-Furat TV.

Footage opens with Shiite Iraqi woman mourning at a cemetery

Narrator: Have you ever asked yourself who pays for the bombs that destroy Iraq?

Footage of an operative preparing to carry out a terrorist attack

Narrator: Who smuggles money and weapons into Iraq?

Shiite Iraqi woman mourning at the cemetery

Narrator: So now do you know?

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