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Aug 05, 2024
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Spiritual Leader Of The Druze In Lebanon, Sami Abilmona, Rejects Druze Independent State Or The Federalization Of Lebanon: We Lebanese People Complement One Another, Our Homeland Is One And The Same

#11355 | 02:09
Source: Online Platforms - "Annahar Newspaper (YouTube)"

Spiritual leader of the Druze in Lebanon Sami Abilmona rejected in an August 5, 2024 interview that was uploaded to Annahar Newspaper (YouTube) the idea of an independent Druze state or the federalization of Lebanon. He said that the Lebanese people complement one another, that their religious or social sensitivities should be respected, but that their sensitivity for their homeland is "one and the same." Abilmona stated that "true Lebanese" do not support the secularism that has led to the legitimization of homosexuality and to "fake exaggerated self-liberation."

Interviewer: "Why do you oppose the establishment of a Druze state?"

Sami Abilmona: "Why should we demand a Druze state? A Druze state would be a kind of suicide. We would be isolating ourselves on an island. Are we supposed to become the defenders of the Israeli border? What is the purpose? What are the goals? Is it in order to develop our economy? Do [the Druze] have a large economy? Together with the others, in the framework of the state, we can have a strong economy, I believe that the state should serve as an umbrella. Some people think that since we have our own customs, traditions, and values, if we establish a mini-state of our own, we would be able to protect our society better from intermixing. However, the whole world has turned into a village, and everybody is open to one another. Are we supposed to isolate ourselves in a mini-state, and then start fighting among ourselves?


"Therefore, I do not agree with people who think about partitioning or a federal system.


"The true Lebanese do not support this sweeping secularism, that has led us to legitimize homosexuality, and to this fake and exaggerated self-liberation. Generally speaking, Lebanese people resemble each other. Christians here on Mount [Lebanon] used to dress like the Druze. We resemble each other, but life has evolved.

"We complement each other. If there are religious or social sensitivities – they should be respected. But our sensitivity for our homeland is one and the same."

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