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Jan 06, 2025
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Syrian Politician, Human Rights Activist, And Former Judge Haitham Al-Maleh: CIA And Israeli Intelligence Did 9/11; Lebanon Is All Syrian Land And It Must Be Returned To Syria

#11737 | 01:11
Source: Mekameleen TV (Egypt Muslim Brotherhood from Turkey)

Syrian politician, human rights activist, and former judge Haitham Al-Maleh said in a January 6, 2025 appearance on Mekameleen TV (Turkey/U,K.) that Lebanon is "all Syrian land," and it must be returned to Syria. He added that Syrian refugees in Lebanon entered their own land and were treated with disgrace by the "ungrateful" Lebanese people. Al-Maleh also said that 9/11 "was completely fabricated by the Israeli intelligence and the CIA" and that VP Dick Cheney was involved in the operation.

Haitham Al-Maleh: "9/11 was completely fabricated by the Israeli intelligence and the CIA. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush's Vice President, was involved in the operation. My research about it is part of a book I published in Istanbul.


"Lebanon is [part of] Syria. It is all Syrian land that should be returned to Syria. The Syrian [refugees] who went to Lebanon went to their own land. It is a disgrace that the Lebanese said to them: 'What are you doing in Lebanon?' Sadly, we have welcomed the Lebanese on several occasions, and we opened our homes to them, but they have been ungrateful."

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