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Dec 15, 2009
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Syrian University Professor Ahmad Al-Barqawi: It Is Easier to Annihilate Israel Than to Reach Peace with It

#2333 | 52
Source: Syrian TV
ahmad al-barqawi trans.doc

The following is an excerpt from an interview with Ahmad Al-Barqawi, professor of philosophy from Damascus University, which aired on Syria TV on December 15, 2009.

Ahmad Al-Barqawi: If the enemy reaches a stage in which it feels that it is paying a heavy price for its occupation – both in terms of human lives and in terms of resources – it will give up. Without this, there is no chance of reconciliation with the enemy. Therefore, I believe that the annihilation of Israel is easier than reconciliation with it. Annihilating Israel is easier than reconciling with it, because annihilating Israel through a long-term and consistent effort may bear fruit in a society that feels it is alien to this [Arab] world, and does not want to remain in a world that rejects by force.

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