Al-Shahed Al-Mustaqil TV, an Iraqi channel broadcasting from the U.K., included in its satire show, Al-Basheer Show, an anti-ISIS skit. The spoof is based on the familiar French La Vache Qui Rit cheese to promote the imaginary Takfiri cheese. Takfiri is a person who accuses others of heresy. It was aired on September 5, 2014.
News Anchor: "It was reported that the ISIS cook was killed in mysterious circumstances. What's the story here? Did he die of spoiled cheese?"
Caption: "Halal Tuna. Low-Fat Tune Meat Slaughtered The Islamic Way
"The Furious Cow Tastes Like Dynamite"
News Anchor: "What do these people eat?"
ISIS Fighter 1: "You're going to need it for your bombings..."
ISIS Fighter 2: "Gross!"
Announcer: "Straight to you from the fields of Al-Raqqah. Take it with you everywhere you blow yourself up!"
Jingle: "Takfiri... Firi... Firi... The Caliph's favorite cheese."