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Jun 01, 2005
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Technology, Science, and Science Fiction on Arab TV

#698 | 05:36

The following is a compilation of segments on Technology, science, and science fiction from various Arab TV channels, which aired throughout 2004-2005

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: When they traveled to outer space and took pictures of the earth, they saw that it is a dark, hanging sphere. The man said, "Earth is a dark hanging sphere – who hung it?"

Interviewer: Who said that?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: [Neil] Armstrong. Armstrong was basically trying to say: Allah is the one who hung it. They discovered that Earth emits radiation, and they wrote about this on the web. They left the item there for 21 days, and then they made it disappear.


Iraqi cleric, Sheik Mahdi Al-Sumeide’i: The first miracle that occurred in Falluja took the form of spiders that appeared in the city – each spider larger than this chair, or about the size of this chair. The American soldiers left, holding the legs of this spider, and I too, in one of the Friday sermons, held up a spider, with all its magnitude, in front of the satellite channels and in front of the world. This spider also had thin black hair. If this hair touches the human body, within a short period of time the body becomes black or blue, and then there is an explosion in the blood cells in the human body - and the person dies.


Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Imagine that you are the North Pole and I am the South Pole – in the middle there's what is called the magnetic equilibrium zone. If you place a compass there, the needle won't move.

Interviewer: You mean that the pull is equal from both sides?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Yes, and that's why it's called zero-magnetism zone, since the magnetic force has no effect there. That's why if someone travels to Mecca or lives there, he lives longer, is healthier, and is less affected by Earth's gravity. That's why when you circle the Ka'ba, you get charged with energy.

Interviewer: Allah be praised.

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Yes, this is a fact. This is a scientific fact…

Interviewer: Because you are distant from…

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Earth's magnetic fields have no effect on you in this case.


Sheik Al-Zayyati: Some people put a special ring tone on their cell phones for friends, and another for family. But unfortunately in the mosques you find people who put... [Imitation of ring tone - translator] And the Imam is going like this.


Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: When they discovered this radiation, they started to zoom in, and they found that it emanates from Mecca – and, to be precise, from the Ka'ba.

Interviewer: My God!

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: It was said…

Interviewer: Does this radiation have an effect?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: They found that this radiation is infinite. When they reached Mars and began to take pictures, they found that the radiation continues beyond. They said that the wavelength known to us… or rather the shortness of the wavelength known to us… This radiation had a special characteristic: It is infinite, and I believe that the reason is that this radiation connects the [earthly] Ka'ba with the celestial Ka'ba.


Al-Zayyati: When you circle the Ka'ba, and the phones do not cease playing Beethoven, Mozart... This immorality has even penetrated mosques, and therefore we are ask all those who use these devices, and bring them into the mosques, to be God-fearing. My brother, why don't you put just… [makes imitation of simple cell phone ring?] and that's it. Why do you need this… [another imitations of ring tone]


Interviewee's cell phone rings during interview. His ring tone is the sound of a Muezzin calling for prayer.


Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: There's a study that proves that the black basalt rocks in Mecca are the oldest rocks in the world. This is the truth.

Interviewer: The oldest rocks?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Yes.

Interviewer: Has this been proved scientifically?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: It's been scientifically proven, and the study has been published. They took the basalt rocks from Mecca…

Interviewer: They took the basalt rocks from Mecca…

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: …Basalt rocks from Mecca, and investigated the places where they were formed. In the British Museum there are three pieces of the black stone (from the Ka'ba)… and they said that this rock didn't come from our solar system.


'Amr Khaled: Where are the Muslim inventions in the last 200 years? The important and brilliant inventions did not come from us. Where are the Nobel prizes in medicine and engineering? Don't tell me it is a conspiracy against us. It is not. No one has created anything of value that is worthy of prizes. We have not produced such things. Where are the international theories in economics? We have nothing to do with them. All theories come from the West. Where do the political theories come from? In the past 200 years they’ve all come from the West. We haven’t produced anything. Where are the artistic inventions? We’ve produced nothing. We only imitate. We even copied the music videos from them, without knowing why they do what they do. The guy moves his head right and left, up and down. We took it as is and copied it, but where are the artistic inventions that suit our culture? No one knows. Even in sports. The playing strategies used by our soccer teams – We brought all the 4-2-4 and 4-3-3 strategies from abroad. There is nothing. Oh the shame… We have nothing. We just take what the others think of. They invent the car and we drive it. They invent the camera and we use it. They invent the cellular phone and we use it. But what do we produce? We only produce what other brains thought of. Then we use it. We are mere consumers.

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