Tehran-based Lebanese researcher Hakam Amhaz appeared too emotional to respond to news of Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah's death during a September 28, 2024 live broadcast on Al-Alam TV (Iran). Weeping, he said that he is too distraught to respond to the show host’s condolences.
Interviewer: "Let's start with you, Dr. Hakam Amhaz. Please accept our warmest condolences. We send our condolences to the Lebanese people and to all the free nations for this loss. As we know full well, you adhere to the ideology of resistance in terms of your ideology, sentiment, and belief. What do you say about this great and irreplaceable loss?"
Hakam Amhaz: "May Allah reward you..."
Interviewer: "We know that you are very emotional..."
Hakam Amhaz: "Please ask another guest, I will be back later."
Interviewer: "Yes, of course. We know full well how emotional you have been ever since hearing the news to this very moment. Unfortunately, this is horrific and shocking news."