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Jan 06, 2005
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Tsunami Reactions (7) - Saudis Donate Cars, Shares, and Gold for Tsunami Victims

#467 | 05
Source: Channel 1 (Saudi Arabia)

The following are excerpts from a Saudi TV fundraiser for the victims of the tsunami:

Host: The donations we have here include white and yellow gold as well as other donations. Brother Ibrahim Sliman Al-Shehnan has donated a 1988 Chevrolet Suburban. Also, a well-wisher has donated a 1981 Caprice, and, on behalf of his wife, he donates six shares of a certain company. He asks the sheiks at the studio and the viewers to pray for his child who has a speech impediment. Another brother, a well-wisher who asked to remain anonymous, donated a Pontiac Lumina (sic.) and a check for 10,000 riyals.

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