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Dec 27, 2017
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Yemeni Houthi Politician Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Mahbashi Threatens to Target Saudi Oil Tankers, Turn Red Sea into "Black Sea"

#6348 | 01:36
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Yemeni politician Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Mahbashi, a member of the political bureau of the Houthi "Ansar Allah" movement, said that their missiles "can threaten all the oil tankers that go to all the factories in the West, and finance and fuel the planes of the Saud clan. They can threaten the merchant ships crossing the strait into the Red Sea, and turn the Red Sea into a black sea." His statements aired on Al-Manar TV on December 27.

Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Mahbashi: "The Jews control the economic and political decision-making in the world – in the White House, in the IMF, in the international banks, and in all things international. Therefore, the Yemeni people has embraced the Palestinian cause, at a time when some people would like to see this cause dead and buried. This conspiracy is being hatched by the [Saudi] oil kingdom, which implements all the plots against the Islamic nation required by the Jews. It pours petrol on any fire blazing anywhere in the Islamic world, lest the flames turn to Israel.


"With Allah's help, our people have managed to launch missiles that have reached Riyadh. If our people have managed to fire missiles at Riyadh, they can threaten all the oil tankers that go to all the factories in the West, and finance and fuel the planes of the Saud clan. They can threaten the merchant ships crossing the strait into the Red Sea, and turn the Red Sea into a black sea, if 20 million Yemenis face the threat of death by starvation."

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