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Feb 09, 2025
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Young Palestinian Before Returning To Northern Gaza: The Jews Are The Enemies Of Humanity, We Are Not Afraid Of Them; Don’t Stop, Fire Rockets At Them

#11816 | 00:56
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

A young Palestinian man told Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) correspondent before returning to northern Gaza on February 9, 2025 that the Jews are the enemies of humanity. He said that Palestinians do not fear the Jews. The urged the resistance not to stop and to fire rockets at the Jews.

Young Palestinian: "We remain steadfast even if they uproot the tree and take out the rocks. They destroyed the people. The Jews are the enemies of humanity.

"They destroyed the Shuja'iyya neighborhood. We are not pleased. May Allah support the resistance. Don't stop. Fire rockets.

"Deter them. Like it or not, we want our prisoners back. We are not afraid of the Jews. We pass through the Jews with strong hearts. God strengthen our hearts, and we barge through the Jews.


"May Allah have mercy on Mohammad Deif. He was martyred. He has nine lives. No one could take him down. He founded the Hamas movement, along with Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam. May Allah have mercy on them. They are pure martyrs."

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