British ISIS Member Fundraises For Group, Directs 'Serious' Donors To Contact ISIS Via Secure Messaging App Kik

September 25, 2015
On September 24, 2015, British Islamic State (ISIS) member Omar Hussain, aka Abu Saeed Al-Britani, from High Wycombe, England, published an appeal on his Tumblr account to Muslims living in the West to donate money for ISIS.[1] 2015-09-25_105848 Al-Britani's Tumblr page

Al-Britani's post, titled "The Importance Of Financially Aiding The Mujahidin," focuses primarily on providing religious justifications, citing Koranic verses and hadiths, for Muslims' obligation to support the jihad with money.

According to Al-Britani, aiding the mujahideen and jihad with one's wealth is a form of jihad. He also says that the Koran has always prioritized financial jihad over physical jihad, saying: "Allah first mentions jihad with one's wealth thus showing the great importance of spending one's wealth in jihad, and showing that jihad cannot function properly without financial aid; for indeed jihad is in need of financial contributions for it to properly succeed. The Mujahidin need wealth, and I am informing you of this while in the lands of jihad; the Mujahidin need [the word is emphasized in the original text] financial contributions from their brothers overseas."



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