On October 2, 2016, the Iranian Cyber News Agency reported that Iran's ALFA-Team had released a newer version of the hidden shell "ALFA-Shell" v.2.5. The author of the tool, solevisible, is said to also be a member of Iran Security Team.
The report listed the following new features of the shell:
- Block Google - Yahoo - Bing - Yandex And .... Crawlers
- Hidden Shell
- SQL Connection [ MYSQL][ POSTGRESQL ]
- MYSQL Dumper [ PHP ][ PERL ]
- De/Encoder ~ [ Base64 Encode - base64 Decode- MD5 Hash - SHA1 Hash ... ]
- BackConnect [ PHP ][ PERL ][ PYTHON ][ RUBY ][ WINDOWS ]
- SSH2 ~ [ For Connect to Server Like Putty ]
- ZONE-H Mass Poster
- DDOSer ~ [ UDP DOS ]
- Bypasser [ Create PHP.INI ][ Create .htaccess (Apache/LiteSpeed) ][ Read-Passwd ] [Read-Users ][ Get-User ][ Get-Domains ]
- CONSOLE SHELL ~ [ Run Command With Ajax Technology ]
- SSI SHELL ~ [ Run Command With Server Side Includes [SSI] ( Apache ) ]
- MD5 Cracker
- Port Scanner
- Open BaseDir [ PHP ][ PERL ][ PYTHON ]
- Anonymous Emailer [ Attach File ][ Mass Send ]
- Pro File/Dir Zipper ~ [ Smart ]
- Index Changer [ WHMCS ][ vBulletin ][ MYBB ]
- Add New Admin User [ WordPress ][ Joomla ][ ET CHAT ][ vBulletin ][ phpBB ][ whmcs ][ MyBB ][ Php Nuke ][ Dropal ][ SMF ]
- Shell Injector [ WHMCS ][ vBulletin ][ MYBB ]
- PHP2XML Creator ~ [ For vBulletin ]
- CloudFlare ByPasser ~ [ IP Grabber ]
- WHMCS Decoder
- Symlink [ Domains (Cpanel )] [Whole Symlink (Cpanel/Direct-Admin) ][ Config Symlink ][ File Symlink ][ Config Fucker ][ Get User With Perl ]
- Mass Defacer ~ [ For Deface all Files Or Just Index Directories ]
- File Searcher [ Find All Writable Files ][ Find All Writable Dirs ][ Find All Readable And Writable Files ]
- String Searcher ~ [ For Search in Files ]
- Auto CMS Hijacker [ vBulletin ][ WordPress ][ Joomla ][ WHMCS ][ MYBB ][ IPBOARD ][ PHPBB ] ~ For Hijack Username And Password Users
- Alfa News ~ [ For view the latest news about the program ]
- ALFA Settings ~ [ For Special Configuration You like Protect From Shell With UserName And Password And Login page with (GUI interface - 500 internal Server Error - 403 Forbidden - 404 Not Found) ]