On March 22, 2021, a pro-Al-Qaeda media group called on supporters to create "platforms" for showing their support for the group's fighters. Using its Telegram bot, the media group regularly publishes propaganda materials in support of Al-Qaeda, largely focusing on its presence in Syria, as well as frequent calls for volunteers to help the group with its media production or even hacking.
In its recent Telegram post, the group urged its supporters to actively express their support of the Mujahedeen, instead of just passively following pro-Al-Qaeda Telegram channels. Addressing its followers, the post asked whether they are content to be simply following news about the group's fighters, asking if they are ready to start their own "work", to search for new means and "invent solutions" for spreading information beyond Telegram.
It is worth noting that on March 9, 2021, the media group released a poster on its Telegram channels on Telegram and on the Al-Qaeda-operated Rocket.Chat announcing that it is recruiting supporters with various skills to its media staff.
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