On January 10, 2012, a prominent writer on the jihadi forums who calls himself "Abu Hafs Al-Sunni Al-Sunni" (sic) posted an article outlining a program for spreading Al-Qaeda's ideology in America, among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The strategy calls for Al-Qaeda supporters to disseminate materials on American forums and Facebook pages, and to hack American websites and plant threatening messages in them. Al-Sunni also lists the messages that would best serve the goal, in his opinion.
The article is the final installment in a seven-part series by Al-Sunni dealing with media strategy for jihad supporters on the internet. The first six parts discussed how to bring Al-Qaeda's message to Muslims in general. In the present article, Al-Sunni focuses on Americans and American Muslims. He argues that the latter, especially recent converts to Islam, are relatively easy targets for the Al-Qaeda message, and that, once won over, they could carry out operations in the US, similar to those of Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan and the Christmas Day bomber, 'Omar Farouq Abdulmutallab.
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