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Apr 25, 2012
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Angry Egyptians Demonstrate outside Saudi Embassy in Cairo following Arrest of Egyptian Lawyer

#3423 | 05:40
Source: Online Platforms

Following are excerpts from footage of Egyptians demonstrating opposite the Saudi embassy in Cairo. The footage was posted on the Internet on April 25, 2012 :

Demonstrator : Oh Saudi ambassador…

Crowd : Oh Saudi ambassador…

Demonstrator : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Crowd : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Demonstrator : Be patient, be patient…

Crowd : Be patient, be patient…

Demonstrator : The Ka'ba doesn't belong to your mother…

Crowd : The Ka'ba doesn't belong to your mother…

Demonstrator : Be patient, be patient…

Crowd : Be patient, be patient…

Demonstrator : The Ka'ba doesn't belong to your mother…

Crowd : The Ka'ba doesn't belong to your mother…

Demonstrator : From the popular revolution of Egypt…

Crowd : From the popular revolution of Egypt…

Demonstrator : To hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : To hell with you and your royalty…

Demonstrator : From the popular revolution of Egypt…

Crowd : From the popular revolution of Egypt…

Demonstrator : To hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : To hell with you and your royalty…


Protestors' graffiti of Stars of David and "Israel" on Saudi embassy

Crowd : Raise your head high, you're Egyptian…

Raise your head high, you're Egyptian…

Freedom to ElGizawi…

Freedom to ElGizawi…


Crowds trying to break into the embassy


Demonstrator : Get out, we don't want you…

Crowd : Get out, we don't want you…

Demonstrator : Down with the Saud clan…

Crowd : Down with the Saud clan…

Demonstrator : Now at the top of your lungs: Be gone! Be gone!

Crowd : Now at the top of your lungs: Be gone! Be gone!

Demonstrator : Oh Saud clan, take it from me…

Crowd : Oh Saud clan, take it from me…

Demonstrator : You are betrayers of vows…

Crowd : You are betrayers of vows…

Demonstrator : You are betrayers of vows…

Crowd : You are betrayers of vows…

Demonstrator : Your country is an Arab country…

Crowd : Your country is an Arab country…

Demonstrator : Not an American state…

Crowd : Not an American state…


Saudi Arabia is not far away…

Demonstrator : It has traitors and slaves…

Crowd : It has traitors and slaves…

Demonstrator : Saudi Arabia is not far away…

Crowd : Saudi Arabia is not far away

Demonstrator : It has traitors and slaves…

Crowd : It has traitors and slaves…


Demonstrators trying to post posters on army vehicles and confronting military personnel

Demonstrator : Down with the rule of the military…

Crowd : The people want Fieldmarshal [Tantawi] executed…

Crowd : The people want Fieldmarshal [Tantawi] executed…

Crowd : The people want Fieldmarshal [Tantawi] executed…


Demonstrator : Be gone… Be gone…

Crowd : Be gone… Be gone…

Demonstrator : To hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : To hell with you and your royalty…

Demonstrator : To hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : To hell with you and your royalty…

Demonstrator : The Egyptian is not insignificant…

Crowd : The Egyptian is not insignificant…

Demonstrator : Down with the Saud clan…

Crowd : Down with the Saud clan…

Demonstrator : Down with the Saud clan…

Crowd : Down with the Saud clan…

Demonstrator : Oh Saudi ambassador…

Crowd : Oh Saudi ambassador…

Demonstrator : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Crowd : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Demonstrator : Oh Wahhabi Ambassador…

Crowd : Oh Wahhabi Ambassador…

Demonstrator : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Crowd : We will give you 100 lashes for each one you deserve…

Demonstrator : As for you, oh Saudi king…

Crowd : As for you, oh Saudi king…

Demonstrator : To hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : To hell with you and your royalty…

Demonstrator : Oh servant of the Americans…

Crowd : Oh servant of the Americans…

Demonstrator : The Egyptians will never be humiliated…

Crowd : The Egyptians will never be humiliated…

Demonstrator : Ambassador, you coward…

Crowd : Ambassador, you coward…

Demonstrator : The Egyptians will never be humiliated…

Crowd : The Egyptians will never be humiliated…

Demonstrator : Bread, freedom, and to hell with you and your royalty…

Crowd : Bread, freedom, and to hell with you and your royalty…


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