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Jan 08, 2022
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Hamas Video: Israel Uses Dolphins To Hunt Down And Kill Our Naval Commandos

#9300 | 01:31
Source: Online Platforms - "the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades’ Telegram channel "

A video titled "Hawks of the Coast," showcasing Hamas' naval commando unit, was posted on the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades' Telegram channel on January 8, 2022. Abu Suhaib, a commander in the unit, described the tasks of the unit, and said that a member of the unit had discovered a dolphin that was used by "the enemy" to hunt down members of Hamas's naval forces. Abu Suhaib said that fighter removed devices from the dolphin that were meant to kill members of the unit.

Abu Suhaib: "The naval forces are one of the main pillars of the martyr Izz Al-Din Al-Qassem Brigades' military power. This unit is distinguished by its high capabilities in combat. The unit is tasked with defending the coast and conducting special operations at sea.


"The Al-Qassem Brigades' command entrusted the martyr Muhammad Abu Sam'an with the surveillance and tracking of the Zionist enemy's positions, warships, and military bases, both at sea and on the northern maritime border.

"It was our martyr Muhammad Abu Anas who first discovered a dolphin that the enemy used to hunt down members of our naval forces at sea, and it was he who first removed devices attached to the dolphin, that were meant to kill members of the Al-Qassem Brigades' naval forces."



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