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Aug 29, 2024
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Dallas Palestinian Youth Movement Protest Against Israel's Crackdown On West Bank Militias Affiliated With Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), And Others: We Are Inspired By Our Brothers In The West Bank; From The Heart Of The Empire, We Must Rise And Fight Until Ceasefire, Liberation, Return; From Gaza To Tulkarm To Dallas – We All Have A Role To Play In This Struggle; U.S. Politicians Are Genocidal Imperial Cheerleaders

#11383 | 02:04
Source: Online Platforms - "Palestinian Youth Movement in Dallas on Instagram"

Various pro-Palestinian organizations in Dallas, TX held a protest in response to Israel's crackdown on Palestinian militias in the West Bank on August 29, 2024. In a video posted on the Instagram account of Palestinian Youth Movement in Dallas, an activist identified as Nidaa, called on participants to join the movement in confronting Zionism "in every way we can." She said that the group is inspired by Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank. For more about the military activity of Palestinian militias in the West Bank, see MEMRITV clip no 11374.

Nidaa: "[The crackdown in the West Bank] during this time is not a coincidence. In fact, it is a clear effort to prevent a revolution from the heart of the West Bank as they join arms with the mighty people of Gaza. Israel is attempting to halt the movement in the West Bank because they know it is a result of the unity of the Palestinian people.

"As we gather, in this very moment, thousands of Zionist occupying soldiers are storming through the cities and refugee camps of the West Bank, looking to hunt down resistance fighters.


"From Gaza, to Tulkarm, to Dallas, Texas, and beyond, we, as Palestinians and people of conscience all have a role to play in our struggle. We must be able to recognize the United States and its politicians for who and what they are – genocidal imperial cheerleaders, who will stop at nothing to maintain global power.


"Today, I call on you all to join our efforts at the Palestinian Youth Movement as we confront Zionism in every way we can.


"We stand today sharing in our rage against the Zionist entity and its supporters, but importantly sharing in our inspiration from our Palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank. We are inspired by their resilience, their steadfastness, and their unshakable spirit.

"It is for our martyrs and those who survive that we must commit ourselves to the struggle every single day. We, in the heart of the empire, must continue to rise and fight, until ceasefire, liberation, and return, our struggle continues. Glory to our martyrs, long live our Palestinian refugee camps, and long live the struggle of our people."


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