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Sep 05, 2024
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Deputy Sec.-Gen. Of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Muhammad Al-Hindi: Members Of Fatah And Palestinian Authority's Security Forces Will Ultimately Join The Resistance; Recruiting Fighters Is Easy When They Know They Will Go To Paradise If Martyred

#11388 | 02:30
Source: Online Platforms - "SamaQuds on YouTube"

Deputy secretary-general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Muhammad Al-Hindi spoke about his organization's operation in the West Bank, in an episode of the SamaQuds podcast that was uploaded to YouTube on September 5, 2024. He said that the PIJ is building positive relations with members of Fatah, and that it does not seek confrontation with the Palestinian Authority. Al-Hindi continued to say that the two-state solution "is over" and that members of the Palestinian Authority security forces and Fatah "will have no choice but to become part of the resistance."

He discussed the recruitment process to the PIJ in the West Bank, saying it is easy to mobilize young men once they know that they will go to Paradise if they are martyred. Al-Hindi added: "You really do not need anything else."

Muhammad Al-Hindi: "The Islamic Jihad in the West Bank does not engage in a confrontation with the Palestinian Authority, and it is building positive relations with members of Fatah. We harbor no sensitivities in this regard. Any Fatah member who wants to fight is considered a son of this resistance, and anything that applies to Al-Quds Brigades members applies to him also. They are from the same families.

"We ignore the issue of the Palestinian Authority's policies. We do not enter a conflict with the Palestinian Authority, but at the same time, on the ground, there is great cooperation between many members of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. They are brothers and cousins. The enterprise that brought the Palestinian Authority – the two-state-solution – is now closed. It has failed and it is over.

"All the honorable Palestinians from the security forces and Fatah will have no choice but to become part of the resistance."

Interviewer: "How does the Islamic Jihad recruit the fighters in the West Bank?"

Al-Hindi: "When your slogan is 'Jihad until victory or martyrdom...' This is the slogan. 'Our dead are in Paradise and yours in Hell.' These slogans do not require too many theories. A young man knows that if he is martyred, he will go to Paradise, inshallah. 'Allah is our Master, and you have no master.' When you have these slogans, you do not need to engage in much mobilization.

"The mobilization of the young Palestinians stems from texts that fathers pass down to sons. The other aspect is that things are different now from the past, when secularists and Marxists were trying to get someone to commit martyrdom. That was impossible. But now, in order to commit martyrdom, he reads a small verse from the Quran or the beginning of the Isra chapter of the Quran... You really do not need anything else."

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