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Aug 22, 2024
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Anti-DNC Protester At Chicago 'Noise Demonstration': All Palestinian Children Deserve To Grow Up And Become Resistance Fighters; Kamala Harris Is A Terrorist – Hamas Are Counter-Terrorists; Israel And The United States Should Be Abolished

#11343 | 01:32
Source: Online Platforms - "Unicorn Riot on YouTube"

A masked anti-DNC protester at a "noise demonstration" held near Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris's hotel in Chicago in the early hours of August 22, 2024 said that Israel must be abolished and the United States must be abolished. She added that Harris is a terrorist while Hamas and the PFLP are "counter-terrorists." The woman continued to say that no Palestinian resistance fighter deserves to die and that all Palestinian children deserve to grow up and become resistance fighters. The demonstration was streamed live on Unicorn Riot on YouTube, and according to the Unicorn Riot reporter, one of the protesters played a recorder off key, as could be heard on the video.

Protester: "Israel must be abolished. The United States of America must be abolished. All empires fall. Kamala is a terrorist and the Palestinian resistance, the muqawama, Hamas, the PFLP, are all counter-terrorist organizations.


"We had a protest, it was just a noise demonstration, outside of Kamala Harris's [hotel]... Killer genocidal Kamala Harris, who tries to use identity politics to distract people from the fact that she is a ruling class genocidal maniac. We had a noise demonstration outside of her hotel, because she should not be sleeping, while people are dying.


"Resistance fighters or civilians – no Palestinians deserve to die.


"All Palestinian children deserve to grow up to become resistance fighters. All Palestinian women deserve to become a part of the resistance. There is no good vs. bad Palestinian. If the resistance... If the people in Palestine could hear the youth in this so-called United States, who are also on stolen land, we stand with the resistance!"

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