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May 08, 2005
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Egyptian General Mahmoud Khalaf: On 9/11 VP Cheney Said to President Bush: "It's an Inside Job"

#728 | 03:48
Source: Channel 1 (Egypt)

The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian General (Ret.) Dr. Mahmoud Khalaf , which aired on Channel 1 of the Egyptian TV on May 5, 2005

Khalaf: When a terrorist hijacks a plane or any other vehicle… The terrorist is no general. When this terrorist hijacks a plane, he can crash into any target, and accomplish his goal.

But (on 9/11), there is a precise timeline: The hijacking of the planes and the circling in the air, even though the hijacker had a chance to attack, he didn't.

He waited so that the attacks would be according to the planned order: First the World Trade Center with two airplanes, then a delay, then the Pentagon, and then the fourth target which should have been – according to (the Americans) themselves…

He was waiting for the US president's airplane which was on it's way. That why the American President had to land in the Barksdale air force base in the south of the US. They switched his airplanes.

It was announced that (Vice) President Dick Cheney– this was published in the Washington Post – Cheney had called the secret phone on the American president's, and told him it's an "inside job", that there were traitors within the White House. The president slammed the phone and told his aides: "Air Force 1 is next," and he gave the order to land.

They published these things, not us, and in the Washington Post no less! On September 12th and 13th the press reported this, and the questions were asked.

But all the questions stopped, and nothing was said about this once the American President accused (bin Laden).

Another thing disappeared at the same time. We all know that there were Anthrax letters. At the same time they accomplished the rest of the goals.

The airplanes… The operation that took place on September 11th, had a civilian targets which was the World Trade Center, and a military target, as well as a planned political target. Then came the Anthrax, whose target was the media, the journalists, as well as the Congress.

All these operations were planned Is this a coincidence? On top of everything, it took the White House two months to declare the Anthrax operation an "inside job".

In this case too, we've heard nothing since. It took him two months to say it was an inside job, but the 9/11 operation and all the attacks we've seen – it took him only an hour…. At 19:30 he got to the White House, and at 20:30 he announced it was bin Laden. Does this make any sense? On the basis of what evidence does he declare this after only one hour?

The Pentagon has its own warning system. When the third plane flew to Cleveland, returned and took an angle towards the Pentagon…

The first airplane hit the WTC at 08:45 and the Pentagon was his at 09:35. After fifty minutes... The reason for the delay, as we understand from the generals' planning… They, of course, delayed the plane that was about to hit the Pentagon until the commanders left, because of the plane hitting the tower at 08:45. It was only natural for the Pentagon's emergency command to start operating. This was the reason for the delay.

First of all, this plane approached the Pentagon from the same angle used by military helicopters. This is a secret approaching angle known to pilots and navigators alone. The plane used the same secret angle! In addition, the Pentagon was informed that an airplane is heading its way, 12 minutes in advance, but nobody was warned.

We must recall that the Pentagon operation claimed the lives of 187 American soldiers. The building was not even evacuated, and Rumsfeld was told nothing. He heard the explosion himself and came out asking: "What was that explosion?"

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