The following are excerpts from an interview with Fatah leader Farouq Qaddumi,aired by ANB TV on April 25, 2005:
Farouq Al-Qaddumi: Sharon is a war criminal. This man must be prosecuted in the international court at the Hague. He is a war criminal. He resembles the Nazis in his deeds. The Israelis must understand that they were oppressed by the Nazis in the past, and therefore they should not oppress the Palestinians. If they continue this way, they are Nazis.
I don't trust Israel. Israel can only be opposed with bullets. This is the only way. As I've said, I support the truce, or rather, the "calming down." I say that after every difficult struggle, people must go back to their daily lives.
Interviewer: What about the amendments to the PLO charter? Amendments were made in order to start negotiations…
Farouq Al-Qaddumi: I do not accept any amendments, made in 1996, to the charter. We who opposed the Oslo Accord do not accept any change to the charter.