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Jan 15, 2016
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Fatwa on Behalf of Ayatollah Al-Sistani: Mobile Game "Clash of Clans" Is Forbidden

#5280 | 52
Source: Online Platforms

In a fatwa issued on behalf of Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the supreme Shiite religious authority in Iraq, it was said that he does not permit playing with the "Clash of Clans" video game app or selling it. In a Friday sermon on January 15, 2016, cleric Khdeir Al-Madani said, in response to a question posed: "Sayyed [Al-Sistani] does not permit playing this game or selling it." The sermon aired on the Iraqi Karbala TV.

Khdeir Al-Madani: "Karrar from Babil asks: 'Is there a problem with the game Clash (of Clans)?' Clash of Clans is a game you play on your cellphone. Sayyed (Al-Sistani) does not permit playing this game or selling it. Some people play this game, while others play it and sell it as well. Sayyed (Al-Sistani) does not permit either playing it or selling it."


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