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Jun 04, 2009
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Former Egyptian Security Chief Fuad 'Allam: There Was an Israeli Threat on Obama's Life While He Was Visiting Egypt

#2148 | 01:32
Source: Dream TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Fuad 'Allam, former head of the Egyptian state security service, which aired on Dream 2 TV on June 4, 2009.

Fuad 'Allam: Over the past week or ten days, I've been approached by many correspondents of the international press, and international press agencies, especially American ones. I understood from them clearly that President Mubama... Obama is being targeted, even in America. Worse still, some of them told me that they are afraid that President Mubama... Obama would be the target of a Zionist-Israeli attack, especially in Egypt. I would like to remind the viewers that in the past, a Zionist organization attacked the British High Commissioner in Egypt – I think he was called Killearn – in order to stir up trouble between the Egyptians and British authorities. This operation was carried out by a Zionist-Jewish cell.


I was told that a threat by such elements on the life of Obama while in Egypt was very likely.


That is why he is being targeted within America and abroad, by Israel and global Zionism.

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