Ismail Haniyeh, Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau was granted a sword taken as booty from a battle against colonialists in Mauritania in 1932. He said: "This sword will entwine with the sword of Jerusalem." Haniyeh spoke at a reception held in honor of his visit to Mauritania and posted on BellewarMedia on YouTube on June 23, 2021. He added that the sword "affirmed that this nation is a nation of Jihad and martyrdom." Haniyeh then said: "The sword of Jerusalem will not be sheathed until the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is liberated."
Ismail Haniyeh: "President [of the Mauritanian Party of Union and Change] Saleh Hanenna gave me a valuable gift. He gave me a glorious page from the history of Mauritania and its heroic resistance. He gave me the sword of Jerusalem. For the 'Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem' he gave the sword of [the 1932 Battle of] Um Tounsi."
Audience: "Allah Akbar!"
Ismail Haniyeh: "It was seized as booty by the [Mauritanian] resistance and the mujahideen in 1932.
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"
Haniyeh: "This is booty. I say to my brothers and sisters: This sword recorded a glorious page [in history] and affirmed that this nation is a nation of Jihad and martyrdom. This sword will entwine with the sword of Jerusalem."
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"
Haniyeh: "Let me tell you, my brothers and sisters: The sword of Jerusalem will not be sheathed until the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is liberated."
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"
Audience Member: "Allah Akbar!"