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Mar 08, 2025
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Hamas Official Marwan Abu Ras: That “Crazy Fool” Trump’s Gaza Relocation Plan Are “Figments of His Sick Mind”; Evacuating Gaza Will Only Expedite Israel’s Annihilation and the Destruction of His Own Country

#11890 | 02:07
Source: Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Palestine - Islamic Jihad)

Hamas official Marwan Abu Ras, a member of the board of trustees of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, discussed President Trump and his plans for Gaza during a March 8, 2025, appearance on Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Palestinian Islamic Jihad). He referred to Trump as “that crazy fool” and claimed that Trump wanted to use all of America's power to evacuate the Gaza Strip. Abu Ras stated that Trump's ideas are a “figment of his sick mind” and that he has been “taken over by his megalomania and delusions of grandeur.” He further argued that implementing Trump’s Gaza relocation plan would only expedite the annihilation of Israel and that Allah would punish Trump by destroying his country.

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