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Aug 21, 2024
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Head Of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's Academic Think Tank Alireza Panahian: If You Want To Introduce Islam To Europe, Use Shi'ite Islam; You Must Destroy Zionism In Order To Liberate The Europeans And Americans From This Oppressive Capitalist World Order

#11346 | 02:36
Source: Channel 2 (Iran)

Alireza Panahian, head of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's Academic Think Tank said in an August 21, 2024 interview with Channel 2 (Iran) that "the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala." He said that in order to introduce Islam to Europe, it is necessary to use the Islam of Hossein, Shi'ite Islam, that is full of "kindness and dignity" instead of the Islam of ISIS. Panahian continued to say that in order to liberate Jerusalem, it is required to destroy Zionism, which he referred to as the "lifeline" of Global Arrogance – the United States. He said that Iran should strike Jerusalem, because then some of the Zionists will pack up and leave. Panahian added that if Iranians want to destroy Zionism, the Europeans, Americans, and the people of the world will be liberated from this oppressive capitalist world order.

Alireza Panahian: "The road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala. If you want to introduce Islam to Europe – a different Islam than the violent kind presented by ISIS, which encouraged the Christians to kill Muslims and so on... If the Zionists want to use the Islam of ISIS as a pretext to kill Palestinians, you should use [the Shi'ite Islam of] Hossein, who did not chop off any heads, but had his own head chopped off... You should use him to introduce Islam to the world. This is an Islam that is full of kindness and dignity.

"When we say that the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala, it means that [pilgrimage to Karbala should be a worldwide event, and this is what we are doing in the Arabaeen pilgrimage. All the people performing the Arabaeen pilgrimage are liberators of Jerusalem, whether they want it or not, whether they decided  to do this or not, they have immersed themselves in Hossein's energy. They all constitute forces for the resistance.

"If we want to liberate Jerusalem, we have to destroy the life line of the Global Arrogance [the U.S.]. Zionism is the lifeline of the Global Arrogance. It is not merely a regime plundering Jerusalem. [Calling it] a regime that is plundering Jerusalem is belittling the issue. The lifeline of the plundering regime of Jerusalem and global Zionism is here. If you can destroy it, the entire civilization will collapse. When we talk about Jerusalem, it means liberating the world from the Global Arrogance.

"The Zionists have found a special nest here, but global Zionism pins its survival on the international blood-sucking capitalist system that they designed. If you strike them here [in Jerusalem], some of the Zionists, not all of them, will immediately pack up and leave, since they have more facilities in the U.S. and Europe. This is where we want to hit. If we destroy this lifeline, the Europeans, Americans, and the people of the world will be liberated from this oppressive world order."

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