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Aug 19, 2024
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Iranian TV Report On Potential Military, Intelligence, Government Targets In Israel: Retaliation For The Killing Of Fuad Shukr And Ismail Haniyeh Will Come At The Right Time And Place, Irrespective Of Ceasefire Talks

#11335 | 03:02
Source: Press TV (Iran)

Press TV, Iran's English-language state TV channel aired on August 19, 2024 a report on potential targets in Israel for an attack in retaliation for killing Hizbullah top military commander Fuad Shukr and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in late July. According to the report, possible targets include Israeli intelligence bases in the Tel Aviv metropolitan areas, air force bases, and the Haifa Port. Press TV’s lead anchor Kaveh Taghvai said that the retaliation attack will be carried out at the appropriate time and place, irrespective of the negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Presenter: "Retaliation of Islamic Republic and other groups like Hizbullah due to the assassination of Hizbullah military commander Fuad Shukr and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh have Israeli officials and the public at large shaking in their seats. The potential targets, whether these be joint attacks or solo ones, have been the subject of much debate.

"One potential target is Tel Aviv – an area which is called Gush Dan. As you see over here this is the metropolitan area which is a heavily populated area. Intelligence and military agencies of the Israeli regime are actually located in this area, and just days ago they actually got a scare when they were told they were targeted and had to evacuate from their sites in Tel Aviv.

"Then there's Kirya. That's a district also in central Tel Aviv which is home to many administrative buildings like the military intelligence building Camp Rabin. The main building of the campus is Matcal tower that you see right over there and that is home to offices of the top brass in the Israeli military, and is surrounded by other high rise military facilities, such as the communications office Marganit tower, known as the Israeli Pentagon.

"Beneath that military complex is 'the Bor', literally called the pit, the heavily fortified underground national military command center. It's underground, like a bunker, where the regime officers actually prepare, organize, and discuss future wars with their neighbors such as Syria, Lebanon, and of course the ongoing genocidal war going on against the Gaza Strip and the Palestinians there.

"At least three military facilities on the edge of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area are also possible targets. One is the military intelligence Unit 8200, another is the Palmachim, airbase and finally there is a vast military zone around the Tel-Nof Sdot Micha missile bases, that is between Tel Aviv and occupied Al-Quds [Jerusalem].

"The Haifa naval base is not only a target, but has been targeted before by Yemen's Ansar Allah resistance and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. So it will be a potential target along with structures like the Bahad 21 Air Force Training Base, the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Complex, or the Bahad 600 Naval Base.

"If there were any doubts on the part of the Israeli regime about important locations like the Haifa port area, well, this is drone footage that you see over here, from Hizbullah. It's a scan of the area by a drone. If Hizbullah has this capability and location information, you can bet that Iran has it as well.

"It should be noted that when it comes to the Islamic Republic, it has made it very clear that although the ceasefire negotiations has priority over retaliation, retaliation is a separate matter altogether, and he response will happen at an appropriate time and place."

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