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Jul 30, 2016
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Jihadist Abdallah Al-Muhaisni in Pep Talk before the Battle for Aleppo: Where Are the People Who Want 72 Beautiful Wives from Among the Virgins of Paradise?

#5603 | 02:51
Source: Online Platforms

In a pep talk to Jihadists prior to the battle for Aleppo, Saudi Jihadist Abdallah Al-Muhaisni, a Jaysh Al-Fath official, promised heavenly rewards for martyred fighters. "Where are the people who want 72 beautiful wives from among the virgins of Paradise?" he bellowed. Sheikh Al-Muhaisni said that the battle of Aleppo is "the greatest battle in the history of Syrian Jihad" and warned his audience that "we shall not be pleased with any of you returning other than as a martyr or a victor." The video was posted on the Internet on July 30.

Abdallah Al-Muhaisni: "Within hours, minutes, the greatest battle in history of the Syrian Jihad will begin. Where are the people who say: 'Oh Lord, we want Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth'? Where are the people who want 72 beautiful wives from among the virgins of Paradise? If the wife of the martyr in Paradise spits into the sea, the seawater turns sweet. If she kisses your mouth, she fills it with honey. If she sweats, she fills Paradise with her perfumed scent. So what can possibly be said about her embraces? So what can possibly be said about her singing? Where are the suitors of the virgins of Paradise? Tomorrow, we shall meet our beloved Muhammad and his companions."

Fighters: "We respond to your call, oh Allah. We respond to your call, oh Allah."

Al-Muhaisni: "Oh men of monotheism, the Aleppo raid has now begun. In the name of Allah, we shall set out. In the name of Allah, our body parts will be scattered. In the name of Allah, the land awaits our blood. In the name of Allah, it will take our souls. Men, as soon as the battle begins, we shall not be pleased with any of you returning other than as a martyr or a victor. Oh men of the Sunna, do you know what is going on there? 100,000 girls, your sisters, are now under siege. They are besieged by a despicable Rafidite. He may drag her by the hair tomorrow, while you are watching from sidelines. By God, we shall not live if they win. We say to the Rafidites: By Allah, you have made the biggest mistake of your life. If the regime opened four corridors for the civilians, for our people in Aleppo, Allah willing, we shall open all the gates to Aleppo."

Fighter: "Say: 'Allah Akbar.'"

Fighters: "Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar."

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