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Jun 28, 2016
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Lebanese Women Bear Arms to Defend Town of Al-Qaa after Suicide Bombings

#5546 | 01:27
Source: Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)LBC (Lebanon)MTV (Lebanon)

Several TV channels reported on Lebanese women who took up arms after the Christian town of Al-Qaa was targeted by a wave of suicide bombings on June 27. A 70-year-old woman holding an AK-47, interviewed by the Lebanese LDC TV channel, declared that the people of Al-Qaa would remain steadfast. This compilation also includes footage broadcast by the Lebanese Murr TV and by the Al-Arabiya network.

Following are excerpts:

Murr TV (Lebanon)

Lebanese woman: We bear arms to defend our land, our honor, and our youth. For 40 years, we have been paying in blood. We stand in front of our youth. We protect our army... We thank the Lebanese army for raising our morale.


LDC TV (Lebanon)

Other Lebanese woman: I'd like to convey the following message: The people of Al-Qaa will remain steadfast - the men, the women, and the children. I am 70 years old, and we are the shield of the Lebanese army.


Al-Arabiya Network (Saudi Arabia)

Lebanese women bearing arms waiting to go on-air with an Al-Arabiya TV reporter


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