A video posted on an ISIS Telegram account on August 4, shows a young niqab-clad girl singing an ISIS song and brandishing a knife. Against the backdrop of lyrics such as "My sword has been sharpened to destroy you," she then saws the head off a doll and drops the head on the floor.
Little Girl: "State of Islam, attack and defeat the religions of heresy and the gang of the military. Instill terror, exterminate the leftover remnants (of the army), and slaughter."
Background Nasheed: "Soon, soon you shall witness wonders. A fearsome struggle you shall see. The battles will be waged in your own lands. My sword has been sharpened to destroy you. We marched through the night to cut and behead, with the blade of revenge that attacks those who deserve it..."
Little Girl: "Allah Akbar!"
Background Nasheed: "With spirit of night, young men of terror..."
Little Girl: "The Islamic State will remain and expand!"