The following excerpts are from an interview on the flotilla clash with Syrian historian Soheil Zakkar, which aired on Syrian TV on May 31, 2010.
Soheil Zakkar: Israel, which purports to be a democratic and secular state, and so on, is, in fact, a Talmudic state. A rabbi could be an army officer or a high-ranking official. When he issues a religious ruling, it is considered to be sacred, because according to Talmudic thought, a rabbi receives divine inspiration, and consequently, his rulings have divine legitimacy.
An entity, which is based on aggressive religious foundations, cannot stop.
Interviewer: Until when?
Soheil Zakkar: Until it is toppled completely, until there is another Battle of Hittin.
Interviewer: A confrontation is inevitable?
Soheil Zakkar: Yes, it is inevitable, and any talk about peace is self-deception. Israel is a malignant disease in an advanced stage. If it accepts peace, the disease will go into remission.
The masses should get rid of all the leaders who do not follow their peoples’ will, and should wage an Intifada and return to bombing operations on the domestic front – whether they are called martyrdom operations or whatever.