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Aug 05, 2024
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Iranian Majles Member Mohammad Qassim Osmani: Nothing Less Than Killing Netanyahu Will Suffice As Blood Vengeance For Haniyeh; We Will Trample The Heads Of The Zionist Regime; Every Majles Member Would Volunteer For Such A Suicide Mission

#11293 | 01:39
Source: Online Platforms - "DidarNews on Telegram"

Iranian Majles member Mohammad Qassim Osmani said in a Majles session that Members of Majles would be content with nothing less than the killing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as blood vengeance for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. He added that Iranians will trample on the heads of the Zionist regime. Osmani asserted that every member of the Majles is vying to volunteer for such a suicide mission. Video of Osmani’s speech was uploaded to DIdarNews on Telegram on August 5, 2024.

Mohammad Qassim Osmani: "I offer condolences and congratulations for the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, and I hope another Operation True Promise takes place, in order to avenge the blood of this martyred mujahid. We are counting the seconds down to the blood vengeance for this esteemed martyr.

"Plundering Israel and the Zionist regime have become so insolent that they turned our guest into a martyr, in our Islamic homeland, on our Iranian territory. We will not be content with less than the killing of Netanyahu. We have to enforce this blood vengeance, and trample on the arrogant, murdering and child-killing heads of the Zionist regime, so we can have peace of mind in this country. We are counting the seconds until this happens.

"Every Majles member here is ready to be the first to volunteer for a suicide mission in this regard."

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