Naser Abu Sharif, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's representative in Iran, said in a November 29, 2019 interview on Al-Alam TV (Iran), that Israel and the Jews have significant influence in the world. He claimed that the Jews hold half the wealth of mankind and that they control banking, the political establishment, Hollywood, the porn industry, casinos, gambling, and every source of corruption in the world. He said that U.S. Defense Department and State Department officials under Clinton had been Jewish and that the Republican Party is even more Zionist than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself.
Interviewer: "Is Israel a tool in the hands of America or is it the other way around?"
Naser Abu Sharif: "This is a very complicated issue, but I can say that the Zionist entity – or rather, the Jews – have a lot of influence. This is even mentioned in the Quran: 'We aided you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower.' As for wealth – half the wealth of mankind is held by the Jews, and they control the most important financial centers in the world. They have expertise as well as people in all centers [of power]. For example, take culture... Hollywood, the entire porn industry... It is all Jews. They control global corruption. Casinos, gambling, and all that – [Jews] have a firm hold there. They are the mainstay of the banking business... The political establishment... Take for example the U.S. State Department under Clinton: The Secretary of State was a Jew, the entire staff – Indyk, Dennis Ross... They were all Jews. The Secretary of Defense was Jewish. They are present in all the important places. Furthermore, the Republican Party is a Zionist party. It is more Zionist than Netanyahu himself